Special Reports on Fighting COVID-19

Title Brief introduction Authors Date
Operational Computing for Public Health Emergencies Reviews the application of operational research optimization computing methods in response to public health emergencies Zheng et al. March 13, 2020
Quarantine vehicle scheduling for transferring high-risk individuals in epidemic areas Problems and algorithms for scheduling vehicles to transferring high-risk individuals in epidemic areas Zhang et al. March 9, 2020
An Optimization Method for Production Resumption Planning under COVID-19 Epidemic Problems and algorithms for planning production resumption under COVID-19 epidemic Zheng et al. March 18, 2020
An Intelligent Optimization Scheduling Method for Community Patrolling and Investigation in Epidemic Situations A hybrid intelligent optimization algorithm for scheduling community staffs to patrol and investigate high-risk households for epidemic prevention and control. Chen et al. April 16, 2020
Balancing Common Treatment and Epidemic Control in Medical Supplies Procurement An Evolutionary multiobjective optimization method for simultaneously optimizing the effects of common disease treatment and epidemic control in medical supplies procurement Zheng et al. June 13, 2020
Intelligent Optimization of Diversified Community Prevention of COVID-19 using Traditional Chinese Medicine Clusters community populations based on combined modern medicine and TCM health characteristics, and developes diversified preventive intervention programmes for different clusters by optimizing medical resource allocation among the programmes Zheng et al. August 27, 2020
Real-time neural network scheduling of emergency medical mask production during COVID-19 A neural network scheduler that takes a sequence of production tasks as inputs and produces a schedule of tasks in a real-time manner, which has been applied to emergency medical mask production during COVID-19. Wu et al. Octorber 06, 2020
Evolutionary Optimization of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution with Evolutionary Demands A hybrid machine learning and evolutionary computing approach that predicts next-day vaccine demand using a fuzzy deep learning model and uses an evolutionary algorithm (EA) to arrange vehicles to distribute vaccines from warehouses to vaccination sites. Zheng et al. March 22, 2022
Predicting Demands of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Materials via Co-Evolutionary Transfer Learning A coevolutionary transfer Learning (CETL) method to predict demand for medical materials. Song et al. March 29, 2022

Student research report

Title Abstract Author Time
Shared e-bicycle battery delivery vehicle scheduling by ecogeography-based optimization Shared e-bicycle battery delivery vehicle scheduling problem and optimization algorithms Yan HF et al. March 20, 2020

Other research report