Computational Intelligence Group

Hangzhou Normal University and Zhejiang University of Technology

Research fields

Intelligent optimization algorithms Evolutionary deep learning Disaster relief computing UAV Search and Rescue


Feb 20, 2023

Our paper Real-time neural network scheduling of emergency medical mask production during COVID-19 obtained the 2022 Applied Soft Computing Best Paper Award -- Fast Track Covid-19 Publication (web link)

Nov 05, 2022

Our paper Integration of machine learning prediction and heuristic optimization for mask delivery in COVID-19 was published in Swarm and Evolutionary Computation

Oct 10, 2022

Professor Zheng Yujun was selected into the top 2% of the world's top scientists in 2022 in the double list of "career influence" and "annual influence" (resource link)

epidemic prevention and control

We cooperate with the Medical College of HZNU, Zhejiang Provincial CDC, and Zhejiang Provincial TCM Hospital to study intelligent computing for COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control Research reports

Mar 29, 2022

Our paper Predicting demands of COVID-19 prevention and control materials via co-evolutionary transfer learning was published in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

Mar 22, 2022

Our paper Evolutionary optimization of COVID-19 vaccine distribution with evolutionary demands was published in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

Jun 10, 2021

Our paper Co-evolutionary fuzzy deep transfer learning for disaster relief demand forecasting was published in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

Jun 09, 2021

Our paper UAV search-and-rescue planning using an adaptive memetic algorithm was published in Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering

Jun 05, 2021

Our paper Adapted water wave optimization for integrated bank customer service representative scheduling was published in International Journal of Production Research

Jun 04, 2021

Our paper A water wave optimization algorithm for order selection and delivery path optimization for takeaway was published in International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST), and was recommended to be expanded and published in Complex & Intelligent Systems

Mar 31, 2020

Our paper An optimization method for production resumption planning under COVID-19 Epidemic was reprinted by China Social Science Excellence

Dec, 2020

Our paper Real-time neural network scheduling of emergency medical mask production during COVID-19 was published in Applied Soft Computing

Oct 21, 2020

Our research Intelligent optimization of diversified community prevention of COVID-19 using Traditional Chinese Medicine was published in IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE

Jun 22, 2020

Our paper Evolutionary human-UAV cooperation for transmission network restoration was published in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Mar 06, 2020

Our paper Tridirectional transfer learning for predicting gastric cancer morbidity was published in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Aug 07, 2019

Our paper Shallow and deep neural network training by water wave optimization was published in Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (IF: 6.330) (first author: Xiao-Han Zhou)

July 06, 2019

Our research progress of Water Wave Optimization (WWO) algorithm Water wave optimization for combinatorial optimization: Design strategies and applications was published in Applied Soft Computing

June 26, 2019

Our paper Evolutionary Collaborative Human-UAV Search for Escaped Criminals was published in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION

June 04,2019

Our paper Evolutionary Planning of Multi-UAV Search for Missing Tourists was published in the IEEE Access

November 4-7,2018

Our research Collaborative Human-UAV Search & Rescue for Missing Tourists in Nature Reserves was Nominated for Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice

November 2-4,2018

Our paper Water Wave Optimization for Artificial Neural Network Parameter and Structure Optimization was selected as the Best Student Paper of the International Conference on Bio-Inspried Computation 2018


Graduated students

Zhang Bei

Zhang Jie-Feng

Jiang Wei-Xing

Fan Zheng-Jie

Rong Zhong-Yu

Yue Wang

Student in reading

Lu Xue-Qin

Zhou Xiao-Han

Chen Shi-Jun

Du Yi-Chen

Xu Zhi-Ge

Cai Ci-Yun

Liu De-Huai

Yan Hong-Fang

Wu Xue

Wu Jia-Yu

Wu Chen-Xin

Du Jia-Jun

Fan Zhi-Qiang

Chen Xin

Yu Si-Lan

Liao Min-Hui